Guiding Principles

This dietetic practice group (DPG) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Academy) as outlined in Article X, Section 1 of the Academy Bylaws, shall be known as the Diabetes Dietetic Practice Group, hereafter also referred to as DDPG.

Diabetes DPG Vision

A world where all people affected by diabetes thrive.

Diabetes DPG Mission

Optimizing the prevention and management of diabetes through person-centered care, including nutrition and collaborative partnerships.

Diabetes DPG Strategic Priority Areas

  1. Provide the tools, resources, and support to all RDNs and NDTRs to empower them to become competent providers and leaders in diabetes nutrition
  2. Work to create and increase confidence in RDNs and NDTRs to assert their knowledge and expertise when working with all people affected by diabetes
  3. Develop volunteers to be leaders within the organization and the profession in order to advance RDNs and NDTRs as the nutrition and dietetics experts when treating pre-diabetes, diabetes, and complications associated with diabetes
  4. Focus on collaborative partnerships to further the mission and vision of Diabetes DPG through community engagement, public policy and legislative initiatives, clinical care, and research


  1. Membership in DDPG is limited to members of the Academy.
  2. Academy members officially listed as DDPG members have the same rights and privileges as set forth in the Academy bylaws and have corresponding rights and privileges in the conduct of business of DDPG.
  3. Academy members whose DDPG dues are not in arrears receive all benefits of the DPG.
  4. Dues are set each Academy fiscal year by the DDPG Executive Committee.

Fiscal Year

    The fiscal year of DDPG shall be in accordance with the Academy fiscal year (June 1 to May 31).


      Executive Committee

      The Executive Committee of DDPG is the governing body of the DPG and is responsible for the development, implementation, and evaluation of the program of work, fiscal affairs, and actions of DDPG.

      1. Composition.
        The Executive Committee will consist of the following:
        Elected officers – Chair, Chair-elect, Past Chair/Industry Relations, Secretary, Treasurer, Treasurer-elect, and DPG Delegate
        Appointed chairs – Communications/Marketing Chair, Membership Chair, Publications Chair, and Professional Development Chair
        All of the Executive Committee with the exception of the treasurer-elect have voting privileges.

      2. Functions of the Executive Committee:
        1. Develops and monitors the program of work.
        2. Provides for responsible fiscal planning, controlling, and directing financial affairs.
        3. Provides leadership and direction for the DPG.

      3. Meetings. The Executive Committee meets at least twice a year in person, if possible, and virtually at scheduled monthly meetings.

      4. Quorum. A simple majority (defined as more than half) of the voting members of the Executive Committee constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Executive Committee.

      5. Appointed Positions Terms:  It is recommended that appointed positions serve no more than 2 consecutive terms.

      Elected Positions

      The elected positions of DDPG consist of the Chair, Chair-elect, Past Chair, Treasurer, Treasurer-elect, Secretary, DDPG Delegate, Nominating Committee Vice-Chair, and Nominating Committee Member with previous DDPG Executive/Committee Chair experience within the past 10 years. All officers take office when the elected officers of the Academy assume their office (June 1). The ideal candidates for elected office will have demonstrated commitment to team decision-making, interest in and involvement with DDPG affairs for no less than three years and preferably will have served as chair of a committee.

      1. Chair. The Chair serves for one (1) year.
        Functions of the Chair:
        1. Serves as the chair of the DDPG and its Executive Committee. 
        2. Has the general powers of supervision and active management of DDPG.
        3. Presides over meetings of the Executive Committee. 
        4. Appoints the chair(s) and members of any special committee(s) of the DPG and defines the reporting mechanism and function of the special committee(s) to the Executive Committee.
        5. Serves as the liaison to the DDPG Administrative Manager. 
        6. Performs other duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.
        7. Signs approval form for all corporate funding agreements (LOA) and independent contractor agreements developed for DDPG by the Academy.

      2. Chair-elect. The Chair-elect serves for one (1) year.
        Functions of the Chair-elect:
        1. Performs the functions of the office of Chair in the Chair's absence or when the Chair is unable to perform the functions of the Chair as determined by the Executive Committee.
        2. Appoints the chairs and members of all standing committees to serve during the Chair-elect's term as Chair.
        3. Prepares the program of work, calendar of work and budget program of work for the term of office as Chair.
        4. Plans, organizes, and coordinates educational programs at the Academy Food & Nutrition Conference & ExpoTM (FNCE®) for the term of office as Chair.
        5. Coordinates membership survey or member expertise survey as requested by the Chair.
        6. Ensures positions descriptions are accurate and up-to-date. In even years performs a full in depth review of all position descriptions.
        7. Performs other duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      3. Past Chair/Industry Relations. The Past Chair/Industry Relations serves for one (1) year.
        Functions of the Past Chair/Industry Relations:
        1. Serves as Industry Relations Chair unless prohibited from performing this duty because of conflict of interest.  In this circumstance the Chair will appoint an alternate person.
        2. Serves as liaison to the DDPG Corporate Relations Manager (CRM).
        3. Serves as ex-officio, non-voting member of the Nominating Committee.
        4. Oversees the Awards and Membership Committees.
        5. Serves as Strategic Planning Committee Chair.
        6. Coordinates the review and revision of the Guiding Principles.
        7. Performs other duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      4. Treasurer. The Treasurer serves for three (3) years - the first year as Treasurer-Elect, the second year alone as Treasurer, and the third year as Treasurer/Mentor to Treasurer-Elect.
        Functions of the Treasurer:
        1. Advises the Executive Committee in the preparation of the annual budget of DDPG, approves the collection and disbursement of all monies, and signs approval form for all corporate funding agreements (LOA) and independent contractor agreements developed for DPG/MIG by the Academy.
        2. Provides a monthly report to the EC apprising members of revenue/expenditures and budget status.
        3. Reports the financial status of DDPG to its members annually and other occasions as requested.
        4. Performs other duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.
        5. Trains and mentors the Treasurer-elect in third year of serving as treasurer.

      5. Treasurer-elect. The Treasurer-elect serves for one (1) year. 
        Functions of the Treasurer-elect include:
        1. Serves with current Treasurer. Participates in conference training calls with the outgoing Treasurer, as necessary, Academy training, and Leadership Retreat training and activities to become familiar with budget procedures and processes.
        2. Assists the Treasurer as directed as a mentee, to achieve functional skills necessary to assume the position of Treasurer. 
        3. Assists in the development of the POW and budget. 
        4. Performs other duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Treasurer.

      6. Secretary. The Secretary serves for 2 years.
        Functions of the Secretary:
        1. Responsible for sending reminders to submit items for monthly meetings and to complete the consent agenda indicating how committees are supporting the Committee Strategic Plan (CSP), preparing agenda items, ensuring that the minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee and of the DDPG membership meeting(s) are recorded, reviewed, and filed on the shared workspace and with the DDPG Administrative Manager, maintenance of Google Forms.
        2. With the chair creates the consent agenda for the current year to ensure that each committee's activities for the current year align with the chair’s vision.
        3. Maintains official documents of DDPG including Guiding Principles, Policies and Procedures Manual, and Job Descriptions on the shared workspace.
        4. Maintains the DDPG history (books, pictures, stories, files).
        5. Performs other duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      7. DDPG Delegate. The DDPG Delegate will be elected every three years.
        Qualifications include:
        1. Academy member in the Active classification.
        2. Demonstrated ability to network and communicate with one’s peers and colleagues.
        3. Demonstrated leadership in an area of practice and professional issues of the Academy.
        4. Demonstrated ability to represent member issues.
        5. Expertise in practice area.
        Functions of the DDPG Delegate:
        1. Serves as a member of the House of Delegates (HOD).
        2. Advises the Executive Committee and members of the DDPG and solicits input on relevant matters in preparation for the spring and fall HOD meetings. 
        3. Participates in HOD activities to identify and prioritize trends in the profession.
        4. Participates in HOD and BOD committees and task forces as assigned.
        5. Performs functions, as needed, to assist in facilitating the work of the HOD.
        6. Networks and reflects the issues of the area of practice represented.
        7. Serves as a technical expert on practice area represented.
        8. Identifies and proposes to the HOD initiatives in area of practice represented.
        9. Performs other duties as may be assigned by the Speaker.
        10. Encourages and promotes diversity and inclusivity.
        11. Performs other duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.
        12. The delegate may be elected for two consecutive terms.

      8. Nominating Committee Chair. The Nominating Chair will serve for three (3) years, the first year as Vice-Chair, the second year as the Chair and the third year as the Immediate past Chair.
        Functions of the Nominating Committee Chair:
        1. Reports to the Past Chair/Industry Relations.
        2. Coordinates and submits the ballot for DDPG and potential candidates for Academy national offices.
        3. Coordinates and submits the potential Academy Awards and Academy Foundation nominations and presents nominees to the EC for review prior to contacting nominees.
        4. Performs other duties as specified in the current position description.
        5. Coordinates solicitation of potential candidates for the Academy and DDPG ballot.
        6. Coordinates promotion to vote to DDPG members.  No Academy candidates are individually promoted, rather membership is encouraged to vote in Academy elections.
        7. Trains and mentors, the Vice-Chair on the duties of the chair, timelines, and committee procedures.

      9. Nominating Committee Vice-Chair. The Nominating Committee Vice-Chair serves for one (1) year.
        Functions of the Nominating Committee Vice-Chair include:
        1. Reports to the Nominating Committee Chair.
        2. Assists with submission of potential names for DDPG and Academy national offices.
        3. Assists with submissions of Academy ballot nominations, Academy awards, and Academy Foundation nominations. 
        4. Performs other duties as specified in the current position description.

      10. Member with Previous DDPG Executive/Committee Chair Experience in the past 10 years. The Leader with Previous Executive/Committee Chair Experience in the past 10 years serves for two years.
        Functions are:
        1. Reports to the Nominating Committee Chair.
        2. Assists in the coordination of Academy and Academy Foundation nominations.
        3. Assists in identifying and coordinating potential names for DDPG and Academy national offices. 
        4. Assists with submissions of Academy ballot nominations, Academy awards, and Academy Foundation nominations.
        5. Performs other duties as specified in the current position description.

      Appointed Committee Chairs

      Appointments to Chair committees are for two (2) years, unless otherwise stated in their position descriptions and are appointed in odd or even years. The Chair-elect appoints vacancies of all committees to serve during the Chair-elect's term as Chair except as otherwise specified in these Guiding Principles.

      Appointed Chairs – Executive Committee (voting members)

      Appointed Committee Chairs include: Communications/Marketing Chair, Membership Chair, Publications Chair and Professional Development Chair.

      1. Communications/Marketing Chair. The Communications/Marketing will be appointed in odd-numbered years by the Chair-elect to serve during the Chair-elect’s term as Chair and will serve for two (2) years.
        Functions of the Communications/Marketing Chair include:
        1. Reports to the DDPG Chair.
        2. Oversees the Electronic Communications Committee and the Social Media Committee.
        3. Promotes DDPG to DDPG members when appropriate by developing and executing communication programs for relevant core DDPG activities and initiatives.
        4. Promotes DDPG to non-members and external organizations and media when appropriate. 
        5. Ensures that DDPG communications operate within all policies and procedures of the Academy and DDPG.
        6. Performs other duties as specified in the current position descriptions or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      2. Membership Chair. The Membership Chair will be appointed in even years by the Chair-elect to serve during the Chair-elect’s term as Chair and will serve for two (2) years.
        Functions of the Membership Chair:
        1. Reports to the Past Chair/Industry Relations.
        2. Oversees the Membership Committee and informs the EC informed of its activities.
        3. Recruits Membership Committee volunteers.
        4. Identities recruitment and retention activities.
        5. Promotes DDPG activities through DDPG displays and communications.
        6. Performs duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      3. Publications Chair.  The Publications Chair will be appointed in odd years by the Chair-elect to serve during the Chair-elect’s term as Chair and will serve for two (2) years.
        Functions of the  Publications Chair:
        1. Reports to the DDPG Chair.
        2. Along with the editors of each publication, oversees the publication of CENDC, Newsflash, and the DDPG annual report
        3. Manages publication, printing, and distribution of DDPG publications.
        4. Performs other duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      4. Professional Development Chair. The Professional Development Chair will be appointed in even years by the Chair-elect to serve during the Chair-elect’s term as Chair and will serve for two (2) years.
        Functions of the Professional Development Chair:
        1. Reports to the DDPG Chair.
        2. Oversees the Professional Development Committee.
        3. Provides leadership and guidance in the development and provision of professional skill-building activities for DDPG members, including the webinar committee, Research chair, and Diabetes Innovations & Technology Chair.
        4. Performs duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      Appointed Chairs – Non-Voting

      Non-voting appointed Chairs include: Awards Chair, Diabetes Innovations and Technology Chair, IDEA Liaison, Policy & Advocate Leader (PAL), Nutrition Services Payment Specialist, Research Chair, Social Media Chair, Web Chair, and Webinar Chair.

      1. Awards Chair. The Awards Chair serves one year as assistant awards chair and then assumes the Awards Chair position a one (1) year term with the possibility of reappointment for an additional one (1) year.
        Functions of the Awards Chair:
        1. Reports to the DDPG Past Chair/Industry Relations.
        2. Coordinates the DDPG Awards and Stipends.
        3. Coordinates promotion of awards and stipends with the DDPG manager and Marketing Team.  No member is eligible to receive the same award more than once.  
        4. Coordinates the Awards ceremony at the Academy’s FNCE®. 
        5. Assists the Chair-elect in selecting an Awards Committee Assistant Chair. 
        6. Perform duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      2. Diabetes Innovative and Technology Chair. The Diabetes Innovations and Technology Chair is appointed for a two year (2) year term in odd years by the Chair-Elect.
        Functions of the Diabetes Innovative and Technology Chair.
        1. Reports to the Professional Development Chair.
        2. Updates the DDPG membership regarding all aspects of diabetes technology.  Updates the DDPG website technology section, as appropriate.
        3. Authors a technology update column, as requested, for Newsflash.  
        4. Identifies appropriate projects to help improve the skills, knowledge, and usability of technology of DDPG members. 
        5. Perform duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      3. Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (IDEA) Liaison. The IDEA Liaison will be appointed in odd years by the Chair-Elect and serve for two (2) years.
        Functions of the IDEA Liaison:
        1. Reports to the Chair.
        2. Conducts diversity outreach events to promote the profession to diverse individuals and/or increase cultural competency of current practitioners.
        3. Perform duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      4. Policy & Advocacy Leader (PAL) will be appointed in odd years by the Chair-elect to serve during the Chair-elect’s term as Chair and serves for two (2) years.
        Functions of the Policy & Advocacy Leader:
        1. Reports to the DDPG Chair.
        2. Plans, organizes, and oversees DDPG’s legislative activities. 
        3. Along with the Nutrition Services Payment Representative writes a legislative update for Newsflash.
        4. Serves as a DDPG liaison with the Academy’s Policy, Initiatives, and Advocacy Team. 
        5. Performs duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      5. Nutrition Services Payment Specialist. The Nutrition Services Payment Specialist will be appointed in even years by the Chair-elect and serve for two (2) years with possible reappointment for one additional year.
        Functions of the Nutrition Services Payment Specialist:
        1. Reports to the DDPG Chair. 
        2. Serves as DDPG’s resource for Academy members with questions regarding coding, coverage, and reimbursement issues.
        3. Serves as a DDPG liaison with the Academy’s Nutrition Services Coverage Team.
          Keeps the DDPG membership informed on reimbursement issues. Along with the PAL writes a legislative update for Newsflash.
        4. Perform duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      6. Research Chair. The Research Chair will be appointed in even years by the Chair-elect to serve during the Chair elect’s term as Chair and serve for two (2) years.
        Functions of the Research Chair:
        1. Reports to the Professional Development Chair.
        2. Promotes ongoing development of the membership’s knowledge and skills of research in the field of MNT and diabetes self-management education and management.  
        3. Updates the DDPG website Research section with relevant research articles.  Promotes current members research activities.
        4. Reviews requests for research surveys.
        5. Reviews the DDPG Karen Goldstein Memorial Grant for Diabetes MNT applications.
        6. Perform duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      7. Social Media Chair. The Social Media Chair is appointed for a two-year (2) year term in odd years by the Chair-Elect.
        Functions of the Social Media Chair:
        1. Reports to the Communications/Marketing Chair.
        2. Maintains DDPG presence of leading social networks.
        3. Actively posts to enhance online presence, engage DDPG members, and prospective members. 
        4. Recruits Social Media Committee volunteers.
        5. Identifies and participates in approved social media-related activities.
        6. Perform duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      8. Web Chair. The Web Chair will be appointed in even years by the Chair-elect to serve during the Chair-elect’s term as Chair and will serve for two (2) years.
        Functions of the Web Chair:
        1. Reports to the Communications/Marketing Chair
        2. Coordinates all aspects with the DDPG website working the Communications/Marketing Chair and with the Publications and Professional Development Chairs.
        3. Performs other duties as specified in the current position descriptions or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      9. Webinar Chair. The Webinar Chair will be appointed for a two (2) year term in even years by the Chair-elect. 
        Functions of the Webinar Chair:
        1. Reports to the Professional Development Chair.  
        2. Trains and mentors the Assistant Webinar Chair.  Oversees the Webinar Committee.
        3. Plans and implements DDPG webinars.
        4. Assists in facilitating live webinar events. 
        5. Performs other duties as specified in the current position descriptions or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      10. Webinar Assistant Chair. The Webinar Assistant Chair will be appointed by the Chair-elect for a one-year term as assistant and one year as Webinar Chair.
        Functions of the Webinar Assistant Chair:
        1. Reports to the Webinar Chair
        2. Assist in coordinating the Webinar Committee activities
        3. Assist in the planning and executing of DDPG webinars.
        4. Assist in coordinating education webinars for DDPG members
        5. Performs duties as specified in current position description or as designated by the Webinar Chair.

      Other Appointed Positions

      1. Awards Committee Assistant Chair. The Awards Committee Assistant Chair will be appointed in even years by the Chair-elect and will serve one (1) year. The assistant assumes the position of the Awards Chair.
        Functions of the Awards Committee Assistant Chair:
        1. Reports to the Awards Chair.
        2. Acts as the liaison between the Awards Chair, the Awards Committee members, and the DDPG member nominated for the DDPG awards.
        3. Conducts the judging process of the DDPG awards.

      2. Newsflash Editor. The Newsflash Editor is appointed for a one (1) year term after having served as the Newsflash Associate Editor.
        Functions of the Newsflash Editor:
        1. Reports to the Publications Chair.
        2. Facilitates the development and production of Newsflash.
        3. Initiates ideas for articles.
        4. Identifies and contacts potential authors.
        5. Reviews articles for content, grammar, and style.
        6. Reviews the final galley for style and layout.
        7. Duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      3. Newsflash Associate Editor. The Newsflash Associate Editor is appointed for a one (1) year term and is appointed by the Chair-elect.
        Functions of the Newsflash Associate Editor:
        1. Reports to the Newsflash Editor
        2. In conjunction with the Newsflash editor:
          1. Initiate ideas for articles 
          2. Identify and contact potential authors 
          3. Review articles for content, grammar and style 
          4. Review final galley for style and layout
        3. Perform duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by Newsflash Editor.

      4. Cutting Edge Nutrition and Diabetes Care (CENDC) Editor. The CENDC Editor is appointed for a one (1) year term after having served as the Associate Editor.
        Functions of the CENDC Editor:
        1. Reports to the Publications Chair.
        2. Coordinates the planning, development, and publication of CENDC.
        3. Solicits suggestions for theme editors, authors, and reviewers.
        4. Submits objectives for each issue of CENDC to the Corporate Relations Manager (CRM) to share with potential sponsors.
        5. Perform duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      5. Cutting Edge Nutrition and Diabetes Care (CENDC) Associate Editor. The CENDC Associate Editor is appointed for a one (1) year term and is appointed by the Chair-elect.
        Functions of the CENDC Associate Editor:
        1. Reports to the CENDC Editor.
        2. Assists in identifying Theme Editors, authors and reviewers.
        3. Perform duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      6. Publications Coordinator. The Publications Coordinator will be appointed in odd years by the Chair-elect and serve for two (2) years.
        Functions of the Publications Coordinator:
        1. Reports to the Publications Chair.
        2. Coordinate the production and distribution of DDPG publications, such as educational materials, in collaboration with the Executive Committee and other leadership committees.
        3. Coordinates along with the Past Chair publication of the annual report.
        4. Perform duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      7. Recipe Coordinator. The Recipe Coordinator will be appointed for a two (2) year term in even years by the Chair-elect.
        Functions of the Recipe Coordinator:
        1. Reports to the Web Chair.
        2. Coordinates and creates monthly recipe webpage for DDPG’s monthly eUpdate.
        3. Aids the CRM in the execution of the DDPG’s recipe contest.
        4. Perform duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      8. Website Editor. The Website Editor will be appointed for a two (2) year term in odd years by the Chair-elect.
        Functions of the Website Editor:
        1. Reports to the Web Chair.
        2. Ensures that the DDPG website is current and up to date.
        3. Participates in the Electronic Communications Committee in identifying ways to upskill or upgrade DDPG’s web capabilities.
        4. Perform duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.

      Standing Committees

      1. Alliance/International Committee will consist of the Chair, Chair-elect, and Past Chair/Industry Relations. Functions of the Alliance/International Committee:
        1. Perform duties as specified in the current position description or as designated by the Executive Committee.
        2. Promote ongoing communication and support with network and international organizations.
        3. Keep DDPG members informed on ongoing activities of alliance and international organizations.

      2. Awards Committee Composition. Awards Chair and Assistant Awards Chair and up to 5 DDPG members to serve as judges, functioning to coordinate the DDPG Awards process. The Awards Committee reports to the Past Chair/Industry Relations.

      3. Diabetes Innovations and Technology Committee. Appointed chair and additional members as needed to update membership regarding all aspects of diabetes innovations & technology. Reports to the Diabetes Innovations & Technology Chair.

      4. Membership Committee. This committee consists of Volunteer, Student Liaison, and Retention Chairs. The committee’s function is to promote DDPG activities and membership through electronic communications, displays at meetings and publications of articles in newsletters of other organizations and recruitment and retention of members. This committee reports to the Membership Chair.

      5. Public Policy Committee. This committee consists of the DDPG Delegate, Policy and Advocacy Leader, Assistant PAL and Nutrition Services Payment Specialist. This committee’s function is to coordinate and disseminate information on public policy and reimbursement issues to DDPG members. This committee reports to the DDPG Chair. The Policy & Advocacy Leader (PAL) is appointed by the Chair-elect.

        Assistant PAL:  The assistant PAL serves for one year and then transitions to the PAL role the next year.  The PAL serves a 2-year term.

      6. Social Media Committee. This committee’s function is to promote DDPG activities and membership through electronic communications and serve to assist in recruitment and retention of members. This committee reports to the Communications/Marketing Chair.

      7. Webinar Committee. Appointed chair and additional members as needed. Functions include garnering input from members pertaining to topics of interest as well as the planning and implementation of DDPG webinars. The Webinar Committee reports to the Webinar Chair.

      8. Website Committee. Appointed chair and additional members as needed including the Discussion Board/EML moderator, Website editor, and Recipe Coordinator. The Webinar Committee reports to the Web Chair.

      Report to Members and External Audience

      1. An annual report of the previous fiscal year activities is created for the purpose of presenting financial and program of work outcomes. The Past Chair/Industry Relations and the Publications Coordinator are responsible for preparing the annual report.

      2. The report is distributed to all DDPG members by October 31st of each year and may be in print and/or electronic format.

      Nominations, Elections, and Vacancies

        The Nominating Committee will consist of the Nominating Committee Chair, the Nominating Committee Vice-Chair, Immediate Past Nominating Chair, Leader with Previous DDPG Executive/Committee Chair Experience in the last 10 years and the Past Chair/Industry Relations.

        The Nominating Committee is responsible for:

        1. Preparing an official ballot, annually or as otherwise specified in these Guiding Principles. Notifies each candidate for office of the election results. 
        2. Presenting at least two candidates for:
          1. Chair-elect
          2. Secretary
          3. Treasurer-elect
          4. Nominating Committee Vice-Chair
          5. Leader with Previous DDPG Executive /Committee Chair experience in the last 10 years.
          6. DDPG Delegate, every three years
          7. Any other elected officers/officials
        3. Submitting the nominations to the DDPG Administrative Manager to be disseminated as a ballot to the DDPG membership electronically. In the event a tie vote occurs in the Nominating Committee activities, further discussion should ensue. If the tie persists, the Nominating Committee Chair will break the tie.

        Nominating Committee functions. In addition to the functions noted above, general criteria:

        1. If two candidates are not nominated who otherwise meet the qualifications for office, as may be further defined by Academy materials, a single candidate slate may be submitted to the membership.

        2. Write-in candidates. The option of a write-in candidate as a right of membership exists in any election. However, no write-in candidate may be elected who does not meet the established qualifications for office.

        3. DDPG nominees for elected offices may not, simultaneously hold an elected position in another DPG/MIG or an elected Academy office, CDR or ASCEND Office DDPG nominees who would simultaneously hold an elected or appointed position in an affiliate or district association, or an appointed position with another DPG/MIG, or an Academy committee, are eligible to be considered for elected positions in DDPG.
          1. Members of the Nominating Committee are not eligible to be a candidate for an elected office in DDPG while they are serving on the nominating committee.
          2. Student and associate members are not eligible to be a candidate for an elected office in DDPG.

        4. No person is eligible to serve more than one full term in the same office consecutively. The exception is the Nominating Chair and Delegate who may serve for a second consecutive term.
        5. Elected officers hold office until the end of the fiscal year following the election of their successors.

        Ballots and voting (see also policy, DPG Elections).

        1. Ballots are disseminated electronically to the voting members.  Voting is held during the same time frame as the national Academy election process.

        2. Votes will be tallied electronically.

        3. A plurality of the votes cast constitutes an election.

        4. In the event of a tie vote, the election is determined by lot (i.e., by random selection).

        5. The DDPG Administrative Manager will be notified of the results by the Academy Headquarters who then notifies the Nominating Committee Chair.

        6. The DDPG Nominating Chair will notify candidates and the Nominating Committee of the election results.  Results will be announced in the official publication of DDPG.

        Vacancies in the positions of elected officers. If any of the following offices become vacant, the unexpired term will be filled in the following manner:

        1. Chair. The Chair-elect will succeed to the office of Chair and will serve until the end of the second fiscal year after said vacancy occurs.

        2. Chair-elect. A special election by the DDPG Membership will be conducted.

        3. Chair and Chair-elect. If vacancies occur simultaneously, a special election by the membership will be conducted electronically at the earliest possible date. In the interim, the Treasurer will serve as Chair.

        4. Secretary. The Executive Committee will appoint a successor to fill the unexpired term, or a special election may be conducted.

        5. Treasurer. The Treasurer-elect will succeed to the office of Treasurer and will serve until the end of the Treasurer’s term.

        6. Treasurer-elect. A special election by the DDPG Membership will be conducted.

        7. Past Chair/Industry Relations. In the event of a vacancy of the Past Chair/Industry Relations, that position will remain vacant until the next election. The position of Past Chair/Industry Relations will be appointed by the Chair, if more than 6 months is remaining in the term.

        8. DDPG Delegate. In the event of a vacancy of the DDPG Delegate, the Executive Committee will appoint a successor to fill the unexpired term, or a special election may be conducted.

        9. Nominating Committee Chair. The Nominating Committee Vice-Chair will succeed to the office of Chair and will serve until the end of the current Chair’s term.

        10. Nominating Committee Vice-Chair. The person who received the second most votes for the Nominating Vice-Chair will assume the position. If the persons on the ballot decline the Vice-Chair position, the DDPG Chair will appoint a person to fulfill this position to serve for the remainder of the Vice-Chair’s term.

        11. Leader with Previous DDPG Executive /Committee Chair experience in the last 10 years. The Executive Committee will appoint a successor to fill the unexpired term.

        Process for Removal of DPG Elected Officers and Other DPG Officials

          (See Academy Policy O-10)

          Any Dietetic Practice Group (DPG)/Member Interest Group (MIG) elected officer or other official may be removed from office whenever the best interest of the DPG/MIG would be served thereby. Nonperformance or improper performance of the duties of the office or any activity adverse to the interests or purpose of the DPG/MIG, presents valid cause for removal. The rights of the elected officer or other official being charged shall be protected throughout the process.

          1. Elected Officer. An elected officer may be removed through action initiated by the Executive Committee, if in their judgment; the best interests of the DPG will be served. The removal of an officer or official will be without prejudice to the contract rights, if any, of the officer(s) so removed. The Executive Committee will act in accordance with the Academy Policy O-10 for the officer’s removal. 

          2. Appointed Official. An appointed DPG official may be removed from office by the person with the authority to appoint (the DPG Chair). The DPG/MIG official being removed from office shall be notified in writing of their removal.


            The official DDPG publications, NewsFLASH, distributed electronically a minimum of 3 times a year and Cutting Edge Nutrition and Diabetes Care, printed 3 times a year will be mailed to all DDPG members and available electronically.


            1. Method. These Guiding Principles may be amended by a majority of the votes cast by the DDPG Executive Committee.

            2. Notice. Notice of the proposed amendment(s) must be given in writing to the DDPG Administrative Manager for review and approval at least 30 days before the date the amendment(s) is to be voted. Notice to DDPG members will be sent via a link to the updated Guiding Principles and posted on the DDPG website.


              1. Letters of Agreement (LOAs)
                Written contracts, approved by the Academy, are required for all Dietetic Practice Group (DPG)/Member Interest Group (MIG) agreements. A DPG/MIG may engage an individual or a company/institution or venue to provide services at the DPG/MIG's expense. Such services may include secretarial or administrative support, printing, graphic design, web master, and other related services.

              2. Procedure for securing DDPG-sponsored speakers
                The Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics will require: 
                1. all persons speaking or making presentations at Academy programs must disclose any dualities of interest that might be perceived as affecting or influencing their presentations, and
                2. will ensure that such disclosures are made known to the attendees and audience for such programs.
                3. Must sign a written letter of agreement.

              3. FNCE® Guidelines for Spotlight Speakers
                While ideas for a Spotlight Session may come from DDPG members, the proposal must be approved by the Chair-elect. The speaker(s) must be an established expert in their field and the proposal must be at a level 2 or level 3. No FNCE® educational sessions, including DPG Spotlight Sessions, can receive external funding and/or sponsorship. Also, DPGs do not negotiate, nor confirm directly with the speakers regarding FNCE® compensation and benefits.

              4. Leadership Retreat – first steps and when the Chair-elect should begin working on this
                For in-person meetings, begin planning at least 1.5-2 years in advance. DDPG officers should discuss planning and logistics, such as location, food, funding for specific EC members, etc. for spring transition meeting. The Academy Conference and Events Services Team must assist the Chair-elect with finding a hotel for the meeting and handling the hotel contract logistics. The request form is available from the DPG Admin Manager. Meeting planning information is available from the Academy.