
New Learning Opportunity

Zoom Coffee Breaks

These will be ~30-minute educational drop-in sessions where we bring in a DDPG leader, member, or outside expert to discuss a trending topic in diabetes care and nutrition. At least a portion of each Zoom Coffee Break will allow for interaction, discussion, and questions from members who join. Join us for our upcoming program, or just pop in to listen for a few minutes.

Learn More


Cutting Edge Nutrition and Diabetes Care

The CENDC is a 3 times a year educational publication for members is peer reviewed. Each issue has several articles one a single topic.

Members can complete the associated quiz online and receive CPEU free credit for each issue.

View Latest Issue

Upcoming Members Only Webinar

Evolving Role of the RDN as AI Advances in Diabetes-Cardiometabolic Health Part 2 RDN Panel Discussion

Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 12pm CT

Register Here

About Diabetes DPG

Our Mission

Optimizing the prevention and management of diabetes through person-centered care, including nutrition and collaborative partnerships.

Our Vision

A world where all people affected by diabetes thrive.


New newsFLASH Issue Available Now!

This 3 times a year publication for members is peer reviewed. It contains educational as well as information about DDPG.

Non-member newsletter subscriptions are available for non-RDs.

View Latest Issue

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Public Resources

Patient Education Handouts

Diabetes DPG's reproducible patient education handouts are produced annually and maintained in the DDPG publication area of the website.

Reproduction for sales purposes is not authorized.

Access Handouts Here