
2024 Awards and Nomination Applications

Only active members of DDPG are eligible to nominate.

For further information about each award or stipend, please click on the name of the award. If you have questions, email the DDPG Awards Chair at

View Past Winners

Legislative Activity Award

Recognizes a DDPG member who has served well in nutrition related public policy activities.

Deadline: June 1st

Application Here

A. PURPOSE: As a benefit of membership DDPG offers the opportunity to receive financial assistance to attend the Academy's Nutrition and Dietetics Advocacy Summit, usually held in Washington, DC. An annual award of two legislative stipends of up to $1000.00 each will be offered to DDPG members.


  1. Applicants must be a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (the Academy) and a DDPG member for at least two consecutive years.
  2. DDPG Committee Chairs and Executive Committee members are not eligible for the stipend.
  3. Applicants are required to briefly describe any current or past legislative involvement or other activities that qualify them for consideration.
  4. DDPG Legislative Stipend Award winners are required to: Attend all Nutrition and Dietetics Advocacy Summit training sessions; attend the Hill visits to their congressional delegation on the final day of the workshop and provide a brief report to the DDPG Public Policy Chair regarding what they experienced/learned by attending the workshop. This report can be communicated via email and will be reported back to DDPG Executive Committee. Verification of attendance is required.
  5. Winners will receive up to $1,000.00 to help cover travel, registration, and lodging expenses to the Nutrition and Dietetics Advocacy Summit. 
  6. Award winners will not be eligible the following year.


  1. Complete and submit online application to the DDPG Awards Chair at
  2. Applications will be reviewed by the Awards Committee and approved by the DDPG Academy's DDPG Administrative Manager.

Winners will be notified by email and published in the spring issue of NewsFLASH. Legislative stipend winners will also be posted on the DDPG website, under the awards section, after all of the winners have been contacted. Non-winners will not be contacted. Reimbursement will be sent following receipt of travel, registration and lodging expenses, and conference attendance verification.

Application Here

If you have questions, email DDPG Awards Chair at


The Diabetes DPG (DDPG) Karen Goldstein Memorial Grant for Diabetes MNT Application

This grant is given to provide financial support to a Diabetes DPG (DDPG) member for outcomes research in diabetes medical nutrition therapy.

Grant amount is $20,000 given every other year.

Funded by the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics Foundation.

Email questions to:

Nomination Due Date: February 20, 2024 5:00 pm (CT)

Learn More

Diabetes DPG Distinguished Service Award

Recognizes an individual who has demonstrated leadership and service as a member of the Diabetes Dietetic Practice Group and who has worked toward the promotion of dietetics professionals involved in diabetes care and the diabetes community.

Diabetes DPG Legislative Activity Award

Recognizes a DDPG member who has served well in nutrition related public policy activities.

Diabetes DPG Educator of the Year Award

Recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to the practice of diabetes education and medical nutrition therapy as well as demonstrated the integration of food and the culinary experience into educational teaching methods.

Diabetes DPG Publications Award

Recognizes a DDPG member who has published a research article demonstrating the effectiveness of diabetes medical nutrition therapy (MNT) or a review article related to diabetes MNT.

Diabetes DPG Champion Award

Recognizes an individual, organization, and/or business who has made significant contributions to DDPG and/or showed their support to the dietetics professional and diabetes medical nutrition therapy. NOT a DDPG member.


Diabetes DPG Educational Stipend Award

Funding to attend a diabetes related training.

Diabetes DPG Legislative Stipend Award

Funding to attend the Academy's Nutrition and Dietetics Advocacy Summit.

Diabetes DPG Speaker Stipend Award

Funding to sponsor a speaker for an educational lecture that is on a diabetes related topic and eligible for CPE units for dietitians.

The Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics Foundation Research Grant

The Diabetes DPG Karen Goldstein Memorial Grant for Diabetes MNT Application

This grant is given to provide financial support to a Diabetes DPG (DDPG) member for outcomes research in diabetes medical nutrition therapy.

Grant amount is $20,000 given every other year.

Funded by the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics Foundation.

Email questions to:

Nomination Due Date: February 20, 2024 5:00 pm (CT)

Student Stipend

The Foundation Student Stipend Program

Student funding to attend FNCE® awarded, on behalf of DDPG, through the Academy Foundation .

Stipend amount is $100.

Learn More

Nomination Due Date: September 11, 2023