
News FLASH is a peer reviewed newsletter published three times a year by Diabetes DPG of The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (the Academy). You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the issues.

NewsFlash is a DDPG member benefit.




Current Issue

Volume 45, No. 2

(Full Issue is available to members only; articles highlighted with ** are available to all)

  • Message from the Chair**
  • Message from the newsFLASH Editors
  • Understanding GLP-1 and GIP: Key Considerations for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs)
  • Preparing for a Dietetic Internship
  • Take Advantage of Your Member Benefits: Webinars!
  • Book Review: Innovations in Diabetes: Evidence Based Medicine in the 21st Century
  • Disaster Preparing With Diabetes: An Often-Overlooked Discussion
  • 2023-2024 DDPG Officer Directory

newsFLASH Issues