Diabetes DPG and CV-Well, two of the Academy’s largest practice groups, are teaming up to bring FNCE® attendees our second “Sunrise Stretch & Social with Diabetes & CV-Well DPGs“. FNCE®-goers can ease into their Sunday morning with some light activity and stretching hosted by Dana White, MS, RDN, ATC. Attendees can network with fellow RDNs, and a grab a easy on-the-go breakfast to fuel the morning. Attendees will also learn tips and tricks for stretches that can be done right at their desk, at home or to loosen up after a day of FNCE® sessions! Easy tips to share with their own clients.
Activity will be conducive to conference attire for those attending early morning sessions.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190
Chicago, Illinois 60606-6995
(312) 899-0040
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